There's Hope For Us

We couldn't read or write. We didn't understand math. Jokes flew over without dropping any type of penetrating understanding. We were laughed at, ridiculed, cut down, punished for things we had nothing to do with, let alone knew or heard of. It seemed hopeless for us. Hopeless, simply hopeless; let's drink ourselves to death give them something to punish us for. We drank to oblivion! Who cared?
One day a thought, an insight slipped in, came into our mind. Later we learned a new word for insight called epiphany. Maybe it was Being that created the epiphany. We learned to read a number of words and with SOME comprehension to boot! We now understand math we didn't understand in the past. We know that there will always be words and math we will never understand in a lifetime. But who cares!
We learned that our fantastic Being is connected to all things which connects to a greater source. Mind and body started a loving relationship with Being. We all love each other, mind, body, and fantastic Being. This is a feeling of a lifetime, a feeling that will endure forever! Love is all that matters. Love begins with self. There's hope for us. This is something I greatly care about.
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