Treasure my kiss
I had a dream about Mom this morning, on August 23, 2019. I had just seen my mom yesterday before I went to work. My youngest brother, Craig, said that the Hospice nurses had just been with Mom a lot of the morning. Mom was looking really good. I bent over her bed, on the right side, and gave her a hug and a kiss. I could feel her right hand tapping me in reciprocating my hug. I wrote on the whiteboard and told her about Todd getting cancer treatment in Mexico because the United States doesn't offer the same kind of cancer care and treatment. I showed her some pictures on my phone of Todd and Kloey on San Diego beach, the day before they went into Mexico. Behind them were seals lying on the shore, something you don't see over here on the east coast of the United States in Vero Beach, Florida. Of course, we don't see many whales either and there just so happened to be a Rare Whale and her calf in Sebastian Inlet a few winters ago. I captured the mother on my digital camera....